Meeting Summary (November 9, 2020)

This week, we had our new board proceed with their first meeting and introducing Extra Life Event this Saturday.

Officer Announcements

Will: I hope everyone has a good end of the semester!

Linh: I’m getting back into Manga.

Chaz: “Happy to be here”

Surinder: M.I.A

Aditya: I hate waiting

feck: “Whoop-feckscoop-feckpoop/ Poop-feckscoopty” (Lyrics by Kanye West’s Lift Yourself)

Important Notices

Comics Club Complete is every weekend, alternating between discussing things and other events like Live Read and reading and drawing days.

T-shirts have been designed! We’ll be getting them, and hopefully masks, to everyone as soon as possible (Which will more than likely be next semester)!

Send us comics for the Green Stripe! They can be good, they can be bad, they can be silly, they can be sad. Be it in crayon, marker, pencil, or pen, if it gets sent we’ll put it in! Send them my way at <nguyenmail>. More info on the Green Stripe will be coming soon, as well!

We now have a digital Green Stripe library! Check it out here!

Member Announcements

Check out the Extra Life event on Saturday to support the Allegheny students here.

Other Clubs

Check out the Geek Life Discord channel “The U-Nerd-Ed Nations.”

Check out LAG on Saturdays 7:30-12:00 in CC 301/302 & 303, online games (in lieu of Pass the Controller) on Wednesdays 9:00-11:00 in CC 206, and General Meetings on Thursdays 5:15-6:15 in Discord. (May be subject to change).

Check out Dumbledore’s Army on Mondays 6:00-7:00 in CC 301/302, right after us.

Check out ARGO on Fridays 7:00-12:00 in CC 301/302 & 303 and General Meetings on Tuesdays 5:15-6:15 in the Discord. (May be subject to change.)

Check out Student Art Society.

Check out Allegheny College E-Sports whenever more information comes up.


Mike, Jordan, etc. are making a Fakemon game themed around campus. The link to the main Google Sheet is here. We need designers for characters, environments, etc., and you need not have artistic skill to do so. Email <eltmanm> or <durcij> for more info.

Students interested in Game Design, please fill out this survey about how a curriculum around it should work! Check it out here!
